GIRLWITHABOOK is an idea. The idea that an educated girl is the most powerful tool for change.

GIRLWITHABOOK is a movement of people who believe in amplifying the voices of girls around the world, whether it is through photos or videos, articles or social media, to let their stories be heard. Why? Because there are too many people, too many institutions, too many countries where girls are denied their rights and their education on the sole basis of their gender. 

GIRLWITHABOOK began as a social media accident in October 2012. After Pakistani education activist Malala Yousafzai was shot at point-blank range on her school bus, GIRLWITHABOOK co-founders Olivia Curl and Lena Shareef sent out a call to action to their friends and families: send us a picture of yourself reading a book and show that you stand in solidarity with the millions of girls around the world who are fighting for an education. They didn't expect it to spread, but the idea snowballed and they received hundreds of photos from girls, women, and men all over the world. 

Today, GIRLWITHABOOK is a global platform for women and girls to share their stories, in their own words. We envision a world in which going to—and staying in—school is an honored reality for every child. By exposing their barriers and raising awareness in whatever way we can, we hope that you will stand with us and the millions of girls who are fighting every day for their education.  

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Current Openings


The Director of Operations will be responsible for the day to day administrative and financial functions of the organization, and will be the lead on grant development and business growth. Interested applicants should submit their application materials to Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, preference given to candidates who submit prior to Friday May 17, 2019. Full position description and application instructions can be found here. Application form found at the bottom of this page.

Digital content producer

The Digital Content Producer will be the creative lead for GIRLWITHABOOK’s social media and digital content. They will develop and execute the digital engagement strategy for GIRLWITHABOOK with the goal of growing the organization’s web following, increasing engagement, and provoking thoughtful discussion through substantive, diverse content. Interested applicants should submit their application materials to Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, preference given to candidates who submit prior to Friday May 17, 2019. Full position description and application instructions can be found here. Application form found at the bottom of this page.